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National COIR Motorcycle Related Legislation Updates as of June 28th 2024
HB2750/SB1680: Motorcycle helmets; minors; citations
03/05/2024: Senate- Second read.
03/04/2024: Senate – First read. Assigned to Transportation, Technology and Missing Children, and Rules
04/24/2024: House- third reading passed as amended. Vote: 47-13. Transmitted to Senate
Bill text:
Senate Republican Caucus:
Concurrence Recommended
Senate Democrat Caucus:
Transmit to Governor: 06/14/2024
Governor Action 06/21/2024 Signed
AB2392: Vehicles: motorcycle: safety helmet exception. This bill would exempt from this requirement a person
who wears a turban or patka as an expression of the person’s religious belief and practice when riding on a
motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized bicycle.
04/15/24: In Transportation committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
Bill text:
**AB3102: Vehicles: motorcycle license
06/26/24: Senate -From Transportation Committee: Do pass and re-refer to Committee on Appropriations with recommendation: To Consent Calendar. Vote: 15-0. (June 25). Re-referred to Committee on Appropriations.
Bill text:
SB847: Vehicles: motorcycle: safety helmet exception. This bill would authorize the department,
notwithstanding the provisions mentioned above, to adopt a regulation certifying a helmet offered for sale, or
sold, that substantially complies with, but does not meet, the requirements imposed by the specified federal
standards if the helmet is designed for the purposes of compliance with a driver’s or passenger’s religious
beliefs or practices.
01/25/24: Stricken from filed. Veto sustained.
Bill text:
SB915: Local government: autonomous vehicles
01/10/24: From printer. May be acted upon on or after February 9.
01/09/24: Introduced. Read first time. To Committee on Rules for assignment. To print.
Bill text:
SB79 [law]: Concerning authorization for a two-wheeled motorcycle to overtake another motor vehicle in the
same lane.
04/04/2024: Governor signed
Bill text:
HB106 [law]: This Act codifies the Motorcycle Rider Education Advisory Committee (“Committee”). The
Committee must meet at least quarterly to monitor the Motorcycle Rider Education Program and assess the
future needs of and recommend improvements to the Program.
3/20/24: Signed by Governor
Bill text:
Relating to motorcycle safety. Senate Bill No. 288 of the 151st General Assembly (Chapter 371 of Volume 83 of the Laws of Delaware) created a pilot program whereby motorcyclists are permitted to use pulsating headlights as a way to alert other drivers of their presence, without allowing the use of flashing lights that would otherwise be used on emergency vehicles. SB 288 contained a sunset clause providing that the pilot program would expire on January 1, 2025, unless the General Assembly took action to extend or remove the sunset clause. This Act extends the sunset clause until June 30, 2030. The main reason for the extension is that many motorcycle owners have and are continuing to replace their lights with LED technology... up until 2024 the technology of a modulating device was not available for the LED lights only standard lighting had that option. To be able to better see if the pulsating lighting is effective the pilot program should be extended to adequately gauge what the new LED systems effectiveness is.
6/26/24: Passed By Senate. Votes: 21-0. [passed both houses]
SB1580: Autonomous Vehicles; Requiring a licensed human operator to be physically present in a fully
autonomous vehicle with a certain gross vehicle weight which is operating for certain purposes on a public
road; requiring the manufacturer of an autonomous vehicle with a certain gross vehicle weight which is
operating under certain conditions to report certain information to the Department of Highway Safety and
Motor Vehicles at specified times, etc.
1/10/2024: Introduced. Referred to Transportation; Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism,
and Economic Development
Bill text:
HB1369: Motorcycle Mobility Safety Act; enact. A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Title 40 of the Official
Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to motor vehicles and traffic, so as to provide for definitions; to provide
for the safe operation of a motorcycle or bicycle through an inoperative traffic-control signal; to require drivers
of motor vehicles to stop at crosswalks with pedestrian activated rectangular rapid flash beacons; to make it
unlawful to activate such devices when there is no intent to cross a roadway; to remove provisions regarding
height of handlebars for motorcycles; to provide for a short title; to provide for related matters; to repeal
conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
02/26/2024: House Second Readers
02/22/2024: House First Readers
02/21/2024: House Hopper
Bill text:
HB468/SB586: Mufflers; Exhaust System; Motorcycle; Moped; Motor Vehicle; Certificate of Inspection; Motor
Vehicle Repair; Penalties
3/25/2024: Senate- Received notice of discharge of all conferees (Hse. Com. No. 457).
3/22/2024: House- Conferee(s) discharged.
Bill text:
HB2251/SB2350: Motor Vehicles; Noisy Mufflers; Fines; Probable Cause; Inspections. Establishes a separate
prohibition on driving motor vehicles having noisy mufflers on public highways in high-density areas.
Authorizes police officers to conduct examinations and inspections of motor vehicle mufflers in high-density
areas. Establishes separate fines for mopeds having noisy exhaust pipes or mufflers that are driven in high-
density areas. Defines "high-density areas".
1/26/2024: Referred to Transportation, Consumer Protection and Commerce, referral sheet 3
5/2/2024: Enrolled to Governor
5/1/2024: House- Passed Final Reading, as amended.
5/1/2024: Senate- Passed Final Reading, as amended. Vote: 24-1
Bill text:
SB587: Noisy Exhaust Pipes and Mufflers; Fine Increase; Probable Cause; Police Officer
3/25/2024: Senate- Received notice of discharge of all conferees (Hse. Com. No. 457).
3/22/2024: House- Conferee(s) discharged.
Bill text:
SB2350: Motor Vehicles; Noisy Mufflers; Fines; Probable Cause; Inspections Establishes a separate prohibition
on driving motor vehicles having noisy mufflers on public highways in high-density areas. Authorizes police
officers to conduct examinations and inspections of motor vehicle mufflers in high-density areas. Establishes
separate fines for mopeds having noisy exhaust pipes or mufflers that are driven in high-density areas. Defines
"high-density areas".
1/19/2024: Introduced and passed First Reading.
Bill text:
HB5435: Vehicle code- noise monitoring. Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that a unit of local
government, including a home rule unit, may not enact an ordinance providing for a noise monitoring system
upon any portion of its roadways (removing language allowing the City of Chicago to enact an ordinance
providing for a noise monitoring system upon any portion of the roadway known as Lake Shore Drive). Makes
changes to the definition of "noise monitoring system".
4/19/2024: Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
Bill text:
HB5620: Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Requires the operator of a motorcycle, motor driven cycle, or
moped and all passengers to wear a motorcycle helmet. Defines "motorcycle helmet".
4/5/2024: House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee. House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c)
/ Re-referred to Rules Committee
4/2/2024: House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Transportation: Vehicles and Safety
Amendment 1:
Bill text:
HB7: An act relating to autonomous vehicles
03/28/24: Senate -Third reading. Floor amendments (2) (4) and (5) withdrawn. Floor amendments (1) and (3)
defeated. Passed , Vote: 20-18. Signed by Speaker of the House. Signed by President of the Senate. Delivered to
Bill text:
HB317: Removes the helmet requirement for certain motorcycle operators
03/25: Senate- Read second time by title and referred to the Committee on Transportation, Highways and
Public Works.
Bill text:
HB348: Authorizes drivers of certain two-wheeled vehicles to proceed through a red light under certain
05/14: Senate -Senate floor amendments read and adopted. Read by title; failed to pass. Vote: 10-25
On page 2, line 15, after "does" delete "any of"
NOTE: the driver may proceed through the intersection on a steady red light only if the driver does any of the
Bill text:
HB102/SB730 [law]: Motor Vehicles - Motorcycles - Passenger Restrictions. Requiring a rear passenger on a
motorcycle to be able to firmly position the passenger's feet on the footrests of the motorcycle, subject to an
exception for permanent physical disability.
5/09/2024: Approved by the Governor -Chapter 637
Bill text:
HB639/SB503: Vehicle Laws - Protective Headgear Requirement - Exception (In Remembrance of Gary "Pappy"
Boward). Establishing an exception to the prohibition against operating or riding on a motorcycle without
certain protective headgear for an individual at least 21 years of age who has been licensed to operate a
motorcycle for at least 2 years or has completed a certain motorcycle safety course and for the individual's
1/26/2024: Hearing 2/15 at 1:00 p.m.
1/25/2024: First Reading Environment and Transportation
1/24/2024: First Reading Judicial Proceedings
Bill text:
S1525: for legislation to prohibit profiling of motorcyclists and motorcycle-only checkpoints.
5/13/2024: Senate -Accompanied a study order, see S2777
S2777: Senate, May 13, 2024 -- The committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, to whom was referred
the petitions (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1483) of William N. Brownsberger for legislation for an
equitable ten community pilot program to improve traffic safety; (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1525) of
Paul W. Cote for legislation to prohibit profiling of motorcyclists and motorcycle-only checkpoints; and
(accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1551) of Mark C. Montigny for legislation to promote transparency of facial
recognition and driver's license photos, report the accompanying Order (Senate, No. 2777).
Bill text:
Bill text:
S2238: legislation to allow in specific situations, motorcyclists use of a breakdown or access lane, or splitting
travel lanes
2/8/2024: Senate -Accompanied a study order, see S2585
Bill text:
S2585: Order relative to authorizing the joint committee on Transportation to make an investigation and study
of a certain current Senate document relative to distinctive plates; motorcycles; railroads
Bill text:
S2279: for legislation relative to motorcycle permit requirements
3/7/2024: Senate -Bill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and
Bill text:
S2299: for legislation relative to motorcycle awareness instruction.
3/7/2024: Senate -Bill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and
Bill text:
HF4955/SF2132: Ground lights use on motorcycles authorized to increase visibility at night
03/14/2024: Introduction and first reading, referred to Transportation Finance and Policy
02/27/2023: Introduction and first reading. Referred to Transportation
Bill text:
HF5314/SF5348: Liability and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage amounts raised, and motorcycle
insurance required to include uninsured/underinsured coverage.
04/08/2024: Introduction and first reading, referred to Commerce Finance and Policy
04/08/2024: Introduction and first reading, referred to Commerce and Consumer Protection
Bill text:
HF5374/SF5174 [law]: Allowing motorcycles to split the lanes under certain circumstances, requiring a public
awareness campaign, and appropriation
Bill became an amendment and was added to HF5247/SF5234: Taxation and state government operations;
various provisions modified, and money appropriated.
Minnesota S.F. 5174 / H.f. 5374 Passed with a minor amendment (restricted the speed slightly from 40mph
max to 25mph max)
Motorcyclists can pass within lanes
Starting July 1, 2025, motorcyclists will be allowed to pass vehicles within the same traffic lane as long as they
are driving no faster than 25 miles per hour, according to a provision in the bill. And they must not exceed 15
miles per hour over the speed of other traffic as they pass.
Minnesota's public safety commissioner must implement a statewide education campaign to tell drivers about
the new rules allowing motorcycles to pass within the same lane or between parallel lanes.
HF5247/SF5234: Taxation and state government operations; various provisions modified, and money
Motorcycle related only -Lines 79.23-79.31:
(f) Except under the conditions specified in paragraph (g), no person may operate a motorcycle:
1) between lanes of moving or stationary vehicles headed in the same direction of travel;
(2) abreast of moving or stationary vehicles within the same traffic lane; or
(3) to overtake or pass another vehicle within the same traffic lane.
(g) A person may operate a motorcycle and overtake and pass another vehicle in the same direction of travel
and within the same traffic lane if the motorcycle is operated:
(1) at not more than 25 miles per hour; and
(2) no more than 15 miles per hour over the speed of traffic in the relevant traffic lanes.
$200,000 in fiscal year 2025 is from the motorcycle safety account in the special revenue fund for the public
education campaign on motorcycle operation under article 3, section 122. This is a onetime appropriation.
05/24/2024: Governor approved. Chapter number 127
05/23/2024: Presented to Governor
Bill text:
HCR39/SCR20: Expresses support for actions taken to end motorcycle profiling. This concurrent resolution
expresses support for public awareness on the issue of motorcycle profiling, encourages collaboration and
communication with the motorcycle community and law enforcement to end motorcycle profiling, and urges
law enforcement officials to include statements condemning motorcycle profiling in written policies and
training manuals.
5/08/2024: Reported Do Pass. Vote: 7-3
1/8/2024: Resolutions Calendar -To be Referred
1/4/2024: Offered
Bill text:
HB1887: Modifies provisions relating to temporary motorcycle instruction permits
5/01/2024: Executive session held. Voted do Pass
Bill text:
HB2032 [update]: Allows motorcycles to operate between stopped and slow-moving lanes of traffic
5/17/2024: Referred: General Laws
Bill text:
HB1122: relative to lights on motor vehicles. [Any headlamp color approved by the director for motor vehicles
shall also apply to headlamps approved for motorcycles. Headlamps shall shine white when shined against a
white surface. All other forward facing lights shall be amber or white. Notwithstanding paragraph II, fog lights
shall be permitted to shine yellow. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a vehicle with an original
equipment manufacturer (OEM) front lighting system, or a front lighting system of a similar type installed as
standard equipment by the vehicle manufacturer.]
5/31/2024: House Concurs with Senate Amendment 2024-1528s (Rep. T. Walsh): Motion adopted. Voice vote.
Bill text:
S584: Requires MVC waiver of motorcycle road test for certain veterans.
1/9/2024: Introduced and referred to Transportation Committee
Bill text:
S1740: Requires motorcycle passengers to be 10 years of age or older.
1/9/2024: Introduced and referred to Transportation Committee
Bill text:
S1856: Authorizes creation of vertical motorcycle license plates.
1/9/2024: Introduced and referred to Transportation Committee
Bill text:
S2002: Permits issuance of motorcycle endorsement to certain out-of-State military personnel.
1/9/2024: Introduced and referred to Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee
Bill text:
A36/S3332: Excepts violations pertaining to mufflers and exhaust systems for cars, motorcycle exhaust devices
without internal baffles and motorcycle exhaust devices that are intentionally designed to allow for the internal
baffling to be fully or partially removed or interchangeable from having a summons not issued or having a
summons dismissed if the violation is corrected.
Assembly: 01/03/2024: referred to Transportation
Senate: 01/03/2024: referred to Transportation
Bill text:
A1505/S2575: Requires proof of at least six hours of driving experience under a certified instructor prior to
issuance of licenses for certain drivers and motorcyclists.
Assembly: 01/03/2024: referred to Transportation
Senate: 01/03/2024: referred to Transportation
Bill text:
A9420/S4102: Authorizes the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority to impose tolls and fees for congestion
pricing for motorcycles in the central business district in the amount of half of the charges for the tolls and fees
of other vehicles.
03/14/2024: Referred to Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
01/03/2024: Referred to Transportation
Bill text:
A10120/S9224: Increases driver safety training course requirements for D, M, and MJ license applicants; directs
the commissioner of the department of motor vehicles to study the operation and safety of motorcycles, e-
bikes, and scooters.
05/08/2024: amend and recommit to Transportation. Print number 10120A
05/07/2024: amend and recommit to Transportation. Print number 9224A
Bill text:
HB3582: Motor vehicles; defining term; allowing for lane filtering under certain conditions; effective date.
03/14/2024: Motion expired
03/13/2024: Third Reading, Measure failed. Vote: 33-62. Notice served to reconsider vote by Representative
Bill text:
HB3979: Motor vehicles; defining term; allowing for lane filtering under certain conditions; effective date.
02/06/2024: second reading and referred to Rules Committee
Bill text:
**UPDATE HB2177/SB1147:
An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in inspection of vehicles, further providing for inspection of motorcycles.
June 27, 2024: House- Referred to Transportation
June 26, 2024: Senate -Third consideration and final passage. Vote: 50-0
June 24, 2024: Senate- Re-reported as committed
HB7471/SB2836: Amends several provisions relative to motorcycles and motor scooter license and educational
requirements including deleting the learners permit requirement for motorcycles.
05/28/2024: Transmitted to Governor
05/28/2024: Transmitted to Governor
Bill text:
HB1095: establish provisions for the operation of automated motor vehicles.
01/24/2024: Commerce and Energy Committee hearing held- Do Pass, Passed. Vote: 10-3.
Bill text:
HB1806/SB1678 [law]: Motor Vehicles, Titling and Registration - As introduced, permits an owner or lessee of a
motorcycle to receive a disabled decal to affix to a new specialty earmarked, cultural, or other special purpose
plate that is authorized for motorcycles. - Amends TCA Title 55, Chapter 21 and Title 55, Chapter 4.
03/01/2024: Signed by Governor
Bill text:
HB2383/SB2181: Motor Vehicles - As introduced, authorizes motorcycles to be operated on certain limited
access highway and interstate shoulders to proceed to nearest exit when speed of traffic is 25 miles per hour or
less. - Amends TCA Title 54; Title 55, Chapter 1 and Title 55, Chapter 8.
02/28/2024: Placed on s/c cal Transportation Subcommittee for 3/6/2024
03/13/2024: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Transportation and Safety Committee
Bill text:
HB122: Motorcycle equipment amendments. This bill allows a motorcycle and certain other vehicles to have
more than four lamps on the front of the vehicle.
2/12/2024: Second reading
Bill text:
HB311 [law]: Lane Filtering Amendments: This bill clarifies that lane filtering is permitted on an off-ramp.
3/20/2024: Governor Signed
Bill text:
HB1063/SB5401: Modifying the operation of motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic.
Assembly: Jan 8: By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status – Transportation Committee
Senate: Jan 8: By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status – Transportation Committee
Bill text:
HB1487: Improving motorcycle safety by authorizing the use of the right shoulder of limited access roadways.
Jan 8: By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status – Transportation Committee
Bill text:
Increased motorcycle safety patrols coming to Randle area
The Chronicle, Centralia, Wash.
Fri, June 21, 2024
Jun. 21—According to the Washington Traffic Commission, more motorcycles travel on Washington's roads in the summer months than any other time of year.
Because of this, the commission said law enforcement agencies will increase safety patrols in Randle and surrounding areas June 27-30 during the ABATE Spring Opener.
The patrols will focus on illegal driving behaviors by both motorcycle riders and other vehicle drivers. The Lewis County Sheriff's Office, the Napavine Police Department and the Washington State Patrol will be conducting the patrols.
From 2020 to 2022, there were an average of 107 motorcyclist fatalities each year on Washington's roads. This was a significant increase over the previous three years from 2017 to 2019, when an average of 85 motorcyclists died each year.
In 2022 alone, there were 133 motorcycle rider fatalities in Washington. Preliminary 2023 data show 141 motorcyclist fatalities, the most Washington has experienced in a single year.
"We are in a public health crisis on our roads, and the increasing number of serious motorcycle crashes is very concerning," said Mark Medalen, motorcycle safety program manager at the Washington Traffic Safety Commission. "Safety is proactive and responsibility is shared. Deaths and serious injuries on our roads are unacceptable."
The majority of riders involved in motorcycle crashes were found to have taken specific actions that contributed to the crash. However, motorcyclists who complete beginner and advanced training courses throughout their riding career are involved in fewer serious crashes. The Washington State Department of Licensing is committed to working with riders and training providers and other agencies to improve rider safety in Washington, according to a news release.
With more motorcycles present on the road this time of year, the Washington Traffic Commission encourages other drivers to watch out for motorcycles.
"Before you change lanes, before you turn left, before you pull out into moving traffic, look twice for motorcycles," the commission stated.
"Always check your blind spots, learn to search for and recognize motorcycles, humanize motorcyclists, provide plenty of following distance and practice space management around motorcycles.
Visit for more information and education on rider safety.
Traffic safety emphasis on I-90 focused on motorcyclists begin this weekend
KIRO 7 News Staff
Wed, June 26, 2024
Law enforcement agencies from various counties along Interstate 90 (I-90) will conduct safety-emphasis patrols this weekend focused on motorcycles.
Between Friday, June 28 and Sunday, June 30, the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and local police agencies from Kittitas, Grant, Adams, Lincoln, and Spokane Counties will be along I-90 from Snoqualmie Pass to Spokane focused on illegal driving behavior.
Because there is an increase in motorcycles on roadways during the summer, the patrols will, not only, focus on the motorcyclist’s driving behaviors but other vehicle drivers as well.
According to the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission, between 2020 and 2022, Washington averaged about 107 motorcycle deaths annually. 2022 had 133 deaths, marking a new record for the state.
“We are in a public health crisis on our roads, and the increase in serious motorcycle crashes is very concerning,” Mark Medalen, Motorcycle Safety Program Manager at the Washington Traffic Safety Commission said. “In a safe system, responsibility is shared among all road users, and safety must be proactive, because death and serious injuries on our roads are unacceptable.”
Officials say that many motorcycle accidents occur from speeding, improper passing, losing control on corners or riding under the influence.
The Washington State Traffic Safety Commission urges drivers to:
Look twice before turning, changing lanes or pulling out into moving traffic
Continuously check speed
Check blind spots
Search for motorcyclists
Humanize motorcyclists
Leave plenty of space between the car and the motorcycle
For more information on motorcycle safety, education, testing and training, visit the Washington State Department of Licensing website.
HB4456: To remove the helmet law in West Virginia.
01/10/24: Introduced and referred to House Banking and Insurance Committee
Bill text:
National Council Of Informed Riders, National COIR
The National Council Of Informed Riders (National COIR) was established to inform, network, and unite
independents nationwide so they are better prepared to advocate for and protect their rights and freedoms as
Do you belong to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) and your local State Motorcycle Rights Organization
(SMRO)? If not, you can find their contact information here –